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Hot flashes got you feeling toasty? Night sweats impacting your sleep? Have you noticed that your period is becoming more irregular?

You may be experiencing signs or symptoms related to perimenopause. Hormone therapy (also called Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Therapy or BHRT) can be a treatment option for many patients. A consultation with our Nurse Practitioner will help you understand the risks and benefits of Hormone Therapy.

Hormone Therapy for Peri / Menopause

As we advance in our lifespan the estrogen secreted by the ovaries is lower. Lower than optimal levels of estrogen can occur as early as mid-to-late thirties for some women. Estrogen impacts hot flashes, night sweats, mood and libido in addition to bone health and cardiovascular disease risk. There are many other impacts of estrogen. Estrogen should only be used with a progesterone supplement for safety and an annual uterine ultrasound is recommended for folks on estrogen therapy.

Progesterone is also secreted by the ovaries, but only after ovulation occurs. As we advance in our lifespan we’re not producing as much progesterone due to poor quality ovulation and eventually we won’t ovulate at all. Progesterone may help with sleep and mood and helps to balance the effects of estrogen in the body.

There are other hormones including testosterone and thyroid hormone that are important when considering hormone therapy. A thorough and holistic approach looks at the impact of all hormones on our tissues and optimizes your well-being and longevity.

Hormone Therapy Across the Lifespan

There are other candidates for hormone therapy including men and premenopausal women.

In some cases, menstrual migraines or PMS may be treated with hormone therapy. Low testosterone in men can cause issues like fatigue and depression. 

A visit with our Nurse Practitioner can help you understand if Hormone Therapy is right for you.

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